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  • Why are you researching bears?
    This project was born out of a desire to investigate the concept of bjarnylr, which led me to explore much wider aspects of and beliefs towards bears than have previously been given much scope in Old Norse studies, rooted in experiences of living alongside these animals. I am especially interested in the life-cycle of the bear, their behaviour towards their cubs, and human experience and knowledge of bear behaviour.
  • What is bjarnylr?
    Bjarnylr ‘bear-warmth’ is a term found in Havarðar saga Ísfirðings used to describe Ólafr Hávarðsson, who does not feel the cold. In later Icelandic folklore such a trait is attributed to having been born on a bearskin.
  • Why are there only two FAQs?
    I aim to add more FAQs as I go along with the project! If there are any questions you would like me to answer, just get in touch on X or by email.
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